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2024-04-04 10:50:19

This story will be news to exactly no one who follows online transit talk. (So much so that I'm not going to use up one of my gift links on it.)
2024-04-03 01:17:31

Anybody know what the critical micelle concentration for common personal hygiene detergents (e.g. sodium dodecyl sulfate) is in relation to the actual concentrations achieved in a bubble bath?
Gut feeling is that baths don't actually clean oil based dirt all that well. Wiki is showing CMC for SDS as 0.0083 mol/L. If we assume 225L water volume for the tub that means you'd need 1.86 mol of SDS which is about 537 grams.
There's no way the average person puts half a kil…
2024-02-04 10:15:24

How the creator economy is forcing writers and artists to build personal brands and become influencers, making many artists uncomfortable and feel like sellouts (Rebecca Jennings/Vox)
2024-05-01 17:09:47

So, I've been recently having a conversation with several folk about Slack vs Discord and which platform may be more advantagous for organizing events and building community. I and others were surprised to learn of how wide the gulf is on various people's ranges of experiences on each service, in terms of community, harassment, security tools, and users feeling welcomed.
I recognize that my experience as a femme-presenting person who uses my real identity is different from that of an anonymous person with a profile photo showing a bearded guy in a Patagonia vest holding up an IPA. This tracks with the discussions I've had today: tech bros generally seem to lean toward one platform while all of my other business-owning women friends opt to steer away from that service almost entirely.
If you're femme and use your real identity online, do you have a preference for Slack or Discord? Have you ever opted out of using either Slack or Discord? In addition to discussion of general vibes and security tools, we also can all recognize that there are some surveillance/privacy tradeoffs in play, as well. (Just as, if you're an organizer, maybe you have thoughts about which service offers tools or features or pricing that steers you one way or another, as well?)
What are your stories on this topic?
2024-02-04 07:00:39

RT @dieworkwear :
jordan you dress like someone who throws a smoke bomb before fleeing a room
RT @jordanbpeterson :
Dress like the person you want to be. Sometimes you have to act out the person you want to be before you become it.
2024-04-04 06:11:25

Personal, dreams, sad
I don't know if I am capable of dreaming anymore. What are dreams, anyway? How are they different from desires, aspirations and efforts?
But I can consider what I could dream of.
I could dream of not being angry all the time. Of not being filled with hatred.
I could dream of feeling secure. Of not worrying all the time about food and shelter. Of losing health insurance and access to medicine.
I could dream of having someone to rely on, of someone who'd take care of me and the things I can't handle. Of not feeling guilty of not meeting the expectations of others and my own, all the time.
I could dream of being able to experience all that stuff that I read about in books and see in movies. Of it not being too late for me anymore.
2024-04-01 11:14:35

STOP FUELLING WAR: It’s Time for Action!:
2024-03-04 06:52:33

Complete and Near-Optimal Robotic Crack Coverage and Filling in Civil Infrastructure
Vishnu Veeraraghavan, Kyle Hunte, Jingang Yi, Kaiyan Yu
2024-02-04 10:15:24

How the creator economy is forcing writers and artists to build personal brands and become influencers, making many artists uncomfortable and feel like sellouts (Rebecca Jennings/Vox)
2024-05-01 19:02:08

Zelensky dismisses SBU cybersecurity chief following media investigation: